Inserts a taxon name (possibly also parent taxa names), and respective authority (authorities), in the flora list, in case that is (are) not present already.
- list
with, at least, the mandatory components: 'genus', 'epithet' and 'epithet_auth'. For infraspecific taxa (subspecies, variety and form) see Details.- florula.collection
containing a flora list.
The flora list in florula.collection
is updated (in the server) to include any of the given Latin names in the list
and respective author.
Possible components of the input list:
- genus*
the Latin name of the genus
- genus_auth
the name of the author of the genus
- epithet*
the Latin specific epithet to subordinate to the given genus
- epithet_auth*
the name of the author of the genus+epithet combination
- subspecies
the Latin subspecies name to subordinate to the given species
- subspecies_auth
the name of the author of the genus+epithet+subspecies combination (mandatory if subspecies is given)
- variety
the Latin variety name to subordinate to the given subspecies (if given), or species (when a subspecies is not given)
- variety_auth
the name of the author of the genus+epithet+variety combination (mandatory if variety is given)
- form
the Latin form name to subordinate to the given variety (if given), or subspecies (if given, and when a variety is not given), or species (when both a variety and a subspecies are not given)
- form_auth
the name of the author of the genus+epithet+form combination (mandatory if form is given)
*The 'genus', 'epithet' and 'epithet auth' are always mandatory components of the list. Only the genus rank can be inserted in the database without an authority (but this should be avoided or corrected later, for consistency).
Tiago Monteiro-Henriques. E-mail: